Is Goat’s Milk Healthy for Your Pets?

Alana here again.

I’d like to continue the subject of nutrition that I started earlier this week on the topic of goat’s milk. By now, many cat owners have heard that cats could not and should not drink cow’s milk, but have you heard that your cat or dog can and even should drink goat’s milk?

The Mighty Goat



For those familiar with milk in its raw state, cow’s milk separates into cream and a more watery milk if left to settle and must be shaken to combine them. This is where homogenization comes in; although a few small studies suggest that homogenizing milk may be harmful to one’s health, companies do this so people don’t have to shake the milk before drinking it. (I’d prefer to shake it if there’s any doubt.) Goat’s milk, on the other hand, does not ever separate (Edit: 6/30/15 Goat’s milk can eventually separate, but does not do so as easily as cow’s milk), does not need to be shaken, and does not require homogenization. Due to its smaller molecular size, goat’s milk is more easily digestible (it takes about 20 minutes to digest, compared to 3 hours for cow’s milk). In addition, raw milk (cow OR goat) contains the necessary enzymes to aid in its own digestion, something pasteurized milk is lacking. This is why those of us that are lactose intolerant can drink raw milk but cannot digest processed milk.


Goat’s milk is a, or possibly THE, most nutritionally complete food. In fact, the American Journal of Medicine states that goat’s milk is “the most complete food known.” It does not stimulate the production of mucus (cow’s milk does) and can counteract inflammation. It also seems to have some antiviral properties that can benefit and enhance the immune system, and has a nutritional and compositional profile very similar to human mother’s milk. It is often well tolerated by infants, adult humans, and cats and dogs. advises that orphaned kittens should be fed goat’s milk when their own mother’s milk is unavailable.


In my personal experience, goat’s milk has been extremely welcome in the diet of my cats and dog. Though they can be picky eaters, the occasion is rare that they turn down a bowl of goat’s milk. Two of my four cats have sensitive stomachs, one of them extremely sensitive. If he strays from his diet at all, the result is usually regurgitation of his meal, yet he’s able to easily tolerate goat’s milk without a problem. When Crepes was having herpes flare ups as a kitten, the change in her diet from a highly-processed, grain-based diet to an all raw diet that included goat’s milk cleared up her symptoms entirely and she no longer suffers from any respiratory issues.


Goat’s milk tends to be seasonal; the goats do not produce milk year-round, so farmer’s often freeze their surplus to be able to accommodate customers during the off-season. You may not be able to find fresh goat’s milk, but the frozen variety works, as well. Ask your local pet store if they carry it in their frozen section.

Your cat or dog may benefit from the inclusion of goat’s milk in their diet, or they  might simply enjoy it because it’s tasty!

If you’ve tried it, what did you think? What did your pet think? Let me know!







  • Please help me. My kittens are 4 weeks old and 1 of them is the runt and he is super skinny you can almost see his bones and he does not have much fur at all. And I went to check on the kittens today and the runt was separated from the other kittens in a corner staring at the wall. What should I do? I think he might have tape worms but not for sure so can we give him a little tiny bit of tapeworm medicine??? And could we also feed him a little bit of goats milk as well and keep in mind he is also eating from his mother I think. What should I do please help!!! ?

    • Have you been able to get them to a doctor? If one has tape worms, they’d likely all have the same parasite since they’re sharing a litter box. Most kittens can get a dewormer but you’ll need to get a prescription for that from a vet. It’s just a bit of liquid you can syringe into their mouths once and possibly a second time a few days later. It depends on the type of medication. You can definitely give kittens goat milk – Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats has a video on YouTube telling you how to make a kitten formula from goat’s milk and egg yolks. You most definitely want to make sure this kitten is eating as much as possible. At four weeks, they should be eating every 3 hours or so. Tree House Humane Society has a “kittens on deck” program. You can contact them to get more information on what to do with little ones. It’s mostly for kittens who don’t have a mom, so the fact that he does is great! Make sure, though, that he’s getting enough from her and not getting shoved out by the other kittens. Make sure mama is also getting three times normal food intake to make sure she has enough calories to produce milk. I hope he does ok! Make sure he’s warm enough, too!

  • Can I feed my kitten that is really really skinny and you can almost see his bones goats milk. And keep in mind the kitten is going to also drink the mother cats milk as well. So we just want to know if we can give him extra.

    • I dont see why you could not. See below’s comment for more information. At four weeks, they will soon be able to start eating solids, perhaps next week. You can start mixing wet kitten food with formula to give an extra little boost of calories, as well. Or get some KMR formula if you don’t have access to the goat’s milk and mix the powder in with the food.

      I would contact a place like Tree House in Chicago and ask about their kittens on deck program. They’ll be able to give you the best advice for kitten nutrition. I would also recommend a vet visit stat if worms are suspected. Good luck!

  • frozen goat milk really sux. the fat separates… I provided goat milk to the hospital during a prolonged stay & they froze my goat milk and made me drink blue water with floating clumps…..

  • Our 14 year old cat began losing weight and was drinking large volumes of water. After the vet ruled out kidney failure and diabetes, she determined that my cat suffers from hyperthyroidism (overactive) with a rapid heart beat. Now after 2 months, her thyroid is regulated with a daily pill, but her weight remains low even though she eats like a small dog! I began giving her daily probiotics, but still no weight gain. Now, after 4 days of goat kefir (prebiotic), she has gained a 1/2 pound! She doesn’t like the taste, so I mix in 3 drops of kefir with her wet food, 3 times a day, and she inhales it.
    We also have a 20 year old cat in advanced kidney failure. We are keeping him with us by subcutaneous water (every 2 days), and Azodyl (probiotics that destroy renal toxins), but he continues to lose weight. Will start him on goat kefir today, and see if that helps!

  • My cat loves goat cheese, I’m allergic to dairy so I substitute goat cheese for cream cheese on my bagels and every time he sees me pull a bagel out he knows he’s about to get a treat. Glad to know its not bad for him.

  • But are you recommending pasteurised or raw goat’s milk then?

    • That’s up to the individual. I can’t recommend what’s best for you and your cats. I have used both the powdered kind and the raw variety, depending on which cat needs it. There are some recommendations from vets not to feed raw to immuno-compromised cats, so it’s important to check and see what’s best for your individual case. At home, I am presently feeding raw goat’s milk with my dog and all my cats of various ages, none of which have any immune issues.

  • Hello all,
    I recently adopted a four week old kitten from a shelter in my town, where I was told that he was already eight weeks old and was eating a ton. However, that was not the case. He had a ton of energy, and ate well, but threw up everything he ate. I tried slowing him down and switching to a new food, but nothing was working until I tried goats milk. He’s now keeping everything down, and looking healthier than ever. SO glad I found this page!
    Best regards,

    • That’s so awesome to hear!! Thank you so much for sharing your story. Good luck with that little one! 🙂


  • HI! I am a new mom of a 4 month old kitten that I exclusively cook for and looking into giving her the goat milk I purchase for my young children. I tend to buy Meyenberg powdered Vitamin D whole milk, is this safe or should I purchase raw liquid form of goat milk? Thank you for your very informative post!
    Much Appreciation!

    • Hi Heather! Congrats on your new kitten! He sounds pretty lucky to have special home-cooked foods! I don’t see why it wouldn’t be safe ( as long as there are no other additives or flavorings that could be toxic to pets) but you may want to check with your vet just to be positive, if you’re concerned. However, it looks like Meyenberg has lots of information on their own website regarding feeding to pets that you can see here:

      In our house, we use Answers Raw frozen goat’s milk because we’re lucky enough to have a source of it nearby that’s affordable. Whether you feed raw or not is your preference. Personally, our home is a raw home and we use both raw meat and milk for our pets. This, again, depends on the pet as some vets suggest not feeding raw to any immunocompromised animals (like FIV or FeLV cats). There is definitely a use for powdered goat’s milk since it’s easy to keep on hand at all times and can be mixed up when needed. Raw has a lot of natural probiotics in it, but some powdered milks have them added back in, too, like the Probloom from Honest Kitchen. Sometimes I sneak the powdered stuff into their food by mixing it in as an additive since a few of my cats don’t like to drink it on its own. And we just used raw frozen goat’s milk on some four week old kittens and they turned out nice and plump. Many choices, all good!

      Thanks for reading!


  • Hi… good news about the raw goat milk…I have a ferral cat who just had a litter… (hidden somewhere on my property)…I am feeding the mama cat raw goat’s milk x 2- 3 times everyday…she LOVES it…drinks the whole bowl … (I watch from inside my home )… I have to take the milk away so she will eat the raw / cooked food I feed her as well. She is nursing so very thin although I know the milk and food she does eat/drink are sustaining her thru the next 4 -6 weeks. We LOVE our feline tribes !

  • I have a 13 week kitty who likes to eat all the time( small portion)
    Also, he prefers milk instead of water. The milk is 99% la those free = Lowfat
    ( Faria dise AI laity authentic ue pour chats et cha tins.) kittens and adults.

    . how to make him to drink more water and, which kind of water ?
    please and Thank you.

    • Hi, Maria!

      Cats aren’t really big drinkers of water by nature. They get most of their moisture content from food, which is why cats who only get dry food drink more water than those who eat primarily wet food. You can try a cat-safe fountain – the splashing noises tend to get the cats interested in drinking more. You can also add a bit of water to the food or moisten any dry food that you feed. I like to use purified water so it doesn’t have a chlorine smell. And you can try leaving several small bowls of it around the house. I also use goat’s milk products for my cats, which tends to help them get a bit more water. Check with your vet, of course, but if your cat seems healthy and is getting a lot of moisture in his diet, he may not need to drink more water than he’s already getting. Cats drinking excessive amounts of water should always be seen by a vet.



  • I have an 8 year old kitty who has been basically food intolerant most of his tiny little life, he weighs just 5 pound. Everything I feed him, more often than not, comes right back up. One day he will eat people chicken the next not!!! Not interested at all in other people food. I use goat milk yogurt for myself, due to dairy intolerance so, decided to give him some…he loved it….but only after I had just opened a new container. It separates on day two and I think the tartness is stronger so he walks away. I appreciate the suggestion of kefir and will try it today with hope it will make a difference. I am also wanting to try “fresh pet”…..any experience out there? Thanks for all your great comments.

  • Thanks for the informative post. I’m a huge milk fan of raw organic cow’s milk– its sooo delicious! I recently heard goats milk is a much healthier option. So I’ve done extensive research on it over the last week. I tried goats milk for the first time last weekend. I wasn’t too fond of the “goaty” taste. I think I’ll stick with raw organic cows milk :-). However, I gave the goats milk to my dog, and she absolutely loved it! I’ve never seen her drink anything so fast Lol. So I will keep buying it for her. I also read from another trusted site, that goats milk can help relieve arthritis symptoms and joint pain in dogs. My dog is 8yrs old, so she’s at that age where she’s starting to have beginning/mild arthritis. So I will give her goats milk, along with her daily glucosamine supplements, and I’ll see what happens.

    • No one else in the house can get any milk with OUR dog around. She’s more into it than she’s into sniffing our butts, which is a lot to say for a dog. Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. We hope her arthritis feels better! – Crepes.

  • Susan “ass”el indeed! Rude much? Anyway awesome info for people not sure if it’s safe to give something raw to their pets. My cats are curious about the goat milk, but not lapping it up the way I’d hoped, but we shall see what happens. Thanks again.Such a cute site!

    • Thanks, Rachel! We’ve had cats who LOVE it immediately and others who are not quite so sure. They’re all a little different.

    • Lol Funny comment:) on that name. Maybe a lil goats’ milk wud cheer her up, & her innards too,:)
      Thankq folks for a great article. My 23! year old kitty is healing from a tooth & ear infection caused by Prion parasites, couldn’t eat, & raw goats’ milk was a great discovery that’s helping him!

      • PS the goats’ milk is aiding in his healing. The primary healing is via a harmonic combo “zapper” technology & a supplement called Prion Ease

  • You are WRONG about goat’s milk not separating. It does – I know, I milk a goat twice a day and I can show you pictures of the cream that rises to the top. Yes, it takes longer, but it DOES separate.

    You need to get your facts straight before trying to “educate” people on something that you obviously know nothing about.

    • Thanks for your reply! We’re always willing to learn and receive constructive criticism on our posts, and since this one was written quite awhile ago, it’s good to go back and review it. Normally, we try to foster a positive attitude for discussion on the blog, but I thought I’d offer you a response, regardless of your less than respectful comment.

      We, too, have had plenty of goat milk – frozen, fresh, from the farm, etc. And in the time that it’s taken us to consume/use it, it has not separated. Many articles state that it does not separate like regular cow’s milk, which was the point we were making here, and does not require homogenization, which is in itself a suspect process. We are proponents of using goat’s milk for people and for cats and were hoping to share our ideas here. We’ve never claimed to be experts at anything, just writers who try things, who are proponents of health for pets, and of animal rescue and welfare.

      We will happily remove the tern “ever” in our article since further research does show that, after a time, it can separate, but generally still does not require homogenization.

      Thanks for reading and taking part in our discussion.

      Alana and Crepes.

      • Thank you for your article I found it to be very very beneficial with my new kitten that I have but I also drink goat’s milk prior to me getting a kitten but I must say your article was very helpful and very accurate and helped me so much in how to care for my new kitten who is only 3 weeks old and I really like how you handled the rude individual that was mean and nasty and disrespectful to you that responded to your article you give me courage and Enlightenment I really like how you handled that negativity coming from the other individual peace love and light

      • I thought the bog was very informative! Thank you so much! I can’t understand why some people have to be so rude and act as if they know it all. Furthermore, it plainly stated “ it could separate, just not as easily!” I think this rude and inconsiderate person should learn to read before criticizing anyone about being wrong! We are all learning and if you already know it all why are you bothering to read the blog to begin with???

    • If you read it does state that it does separate but takes a lot longer than milk and does not need to be homogenized. Maybe you should read before being so rude.

    • Wow!!! But did you really have to come across so rude disrespectful mean and condescending and trying to publicly humiliate someone I even appreciate your update because we all know a lot but no one knows everything if some of us no more that’s why we share information and give knowledge but oh my goodness you did not have to approach this individual that such are you serious

  • My yorkies have always had digestive problems and were at the hospital every other month with rectal bleeding, then one day I found a family owned pet store who recommended goats milk. They sell it frozen and I thought, I’ll give it a try. It’s been six months and Shubi and Chini have not been to the hospital since. They absolutely love it, they are the healthiest they have ever been. No more bleeding, nor more vomiting and happy as can be. Highly recommended. You’ll be happy you tried it.

  • Do you know what the recommended daily serving is for trying to nurse my sick cat?

    • Hi Stacy,

      I’m sorry to hear about your kitty being ill! I would call and ask your veterinarian that question. She’ll know what your kitty is sick with and how much s/he weighs and what other diet is being fed, and also be able to calculate your kitty’s required caloric intake. If your kitty is sick, your vet is the best person to ask regardless. Good luck! – Alana.

  • i like goat’s milk, have had some frozen in the fridge. was going to throw it out as it had been in there since summer, but just adopted a cat and read that goat’s milk is good for them. so, i’ll try it, was getting it fresh locally, imagine it is still available. thanks for info.

    • Hi, i give my cat goatmilk and she loves it so i thought i get some ‘proper’ one 😉 from the place i get her raw food from and it gets delivered frozen. i thought she would love it but she dint touch it! suppose she got use to the supermarket one :(. Good luck

  • My cat loves the goat milk and is currently not eating anything else because he is very ill. How much goats milk per day for an underweight elderly cat currently ill?

    • Hi, Diane! I couldn’t say for sure. That’s a question for a veterinarian. If you don’t have one, I would look one up who has a background in nutrition and holistic pet care, since they’re more likely to be concerned about diet. I believe the milk has about 20 calories per ounce, which isn’t a lot when compared to high-calorie diet ingredients that senior cats might need, (our senior needed about 240 per day during his last months) so you’d want to make sure with your vet that your kitty is getting enough calories each day. Thanks for reading!

  • Just started giving my cat goat milk and she truly loves it. Funnily enough i dont ever see her drinking it but its always gone when i come home from work or wake up in the morning ;). I feed her raw food anyway so she is a very healthy cat and goat milk seems to be contributing to her well being :).

    • Just want to add that i buy the goat milk in my local shop. Just like cow milk its on the shelf all year around:)

  • My cat was diagnosed with feline aids. I was told he had 6 months to live.. that wad 8 months ago. Hr had always had a problem keeping his food down until I started feeding him goats milk. He loved it!! And it helps him keep his cat food down ss well. He id a strong healthy can now!

  • I have been giving my dog and two cats plain goat milk kefir for a long time. I am constantly getting comments from friends about healthy my animals look and how soft their coats are. Both of my cats are adults. They have never once in their lives been sick. I attribute this to 1: following Lisa Pierson, DVM recipe for feeding cats a natural, nutritionally balanced diet, not over vaccinating them, and lastly, incorporating wonderful goat milk kefir (live bacteria eats the lactose) to their diets. I do all the with my dog, but he’s a young one and so, I’d expect him to be very healthy. The plan is, to keep the dog, and the cats healthy and with my family for a very very long time. Try the goat milk, your cat will thank you for it. And if possible try Redwood plain goat milk kefir. I’ve now started making my own goat milk kefir. It’s a keeper

    Thanks for the article, Alana. Glad you are adding the health and well being of animals.

    • That’s a great idea, Dani! Thank you. I know that Kefir is great. I make it sometimes from water in my kitchen. I’ll see if I can find some of that Redwood since getting goat milk here is a little tough. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the good info on goats milk, sounds like our cats would like to try it.

  • Thank you for this information as it was very interesting and full of facts that I was unaware of. I’m going to track down some goat’s milk and see how it works with both humans and furpersons.

  • crepes……thiz message bee a dressed two ewe

    KNOT de gator

    we haz never tried goat’s milk but R mom did let uz try sum catsip from de store once…..with boomer N hiz love oh butter bein de onlee eggs ception….we iz knot much inta dairee…knot even cheeze….did sum one menshun pizza 🙂

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