Exile: Day 5

I’m writing to you today from under the bed of my refugee camp in the GramFODs’ spare bedroom. I’ve managed to get my paws on an old Commodore 64 that I found in their closet. How did I get it connected to the internet, you ask? They were progressive for their time. It has a dial up modem. I’ve hacked my way into an old BBS system and am running my blog through DOS. I’ve been here so long, I had time to learn DOS from the programming books I found on the shelves here.

I count the days.
I count the days.

As you may know, my home was flooded. I’ve been evacuated to safety, along with my brother and sisters. Rocky is still with MomFOD sleeping on the couch. Last time I saw my home, there were fans and driers everywhere. I can only hope that when I return, it will be to a far more arid place, one without water seeping through the cracks of the floor. I’m not really a fan of water.

Here's where I found the rubber band, under the bed. I also found an envelope. That took up about an hour of my time, and then I napped on it.
Here’s where I found the rubber band under the bed. I also found an envelope. That took up about an hour of my time, and then I napped on it.

I will continue to do what I can from where I am. I count the days until I can return home to my bed, to my garden, to my Wi-Fi. Until then, I will occupy my time with the objects I find around me. This morning, I found a rubberband. It has been my solace. From where I sit now, I can see an encyclopedia labeled F-G from 1964. Hopefully, in my next report, I’ll be able to tell you more about frogs, Farsi, and perhaps a bit about geraniums.





  • Crepes, I had no idea! I’m so far behind with my visitin’… I’m so sorry.

    Cracks in the floor? Indoor swimmin’ pool? MOUSES! You have the same kinda thing goin’ on that we did a couple months ago with The Great Flood of 2014. We STILL haven’t fully recovered. Again I say… MOUSES!

    I’m purrin’ for you all. Believe me, I’m purrin’ up a storm. I know what it’s like and I know it’s just not right. Tables made of water seepin’ into houses through the floors. It’s a horrible situation, for sure.

    May the purrs be with you.


  • Who would think that living in a deluxe apartment in the sky one would have to worry about floods! For a change of scenery and more up to date technology, you can always hop the Metra and come out by us.

    • I wouldn’t call it “deluxe” – we’re missing a pool. Also, I can still see the sidewalk, so we’re not exactly in the sky. 😛 One day, we’ll have to do that! We’ll have a flat cats meeting. 🙂 – Alana.

  • We cannot imagine how stressful it has been when your home was flooded ! We hope that all can come back to normal as fast as possible. Fortunately, you can learn a lot of old-world things in your 1964 Encyclopedia ! Purrs

  • Hmm very interesting. Good luck in your new habitation – study up! We expect full reports from that encyclopedia!

  • I look forward to the Frog report. Although I do wonder if there was anything in that envelope you slept on..

  • Crepes, we heard about the flood in your apartment. We purr that the repairs are done quickly and things can get back to normal for all of you.

  • Watch out Crepes. The same thing happened to me. My momFOD moved me out of my house and into my GramFOD’s house because of a flood (hurricane). Seven months later I came home to find ANOTHER CAT LIVING IN MY HOUSE!!!! It just moved in while no one was living there – and almost 6 years later it is STILL THERE!!! just sayin’……

    • Mau Kitty..It seems like water is the root of all evil. You are a strong cat to put up with that intruder for years Luv, Pixie xx00xx

  • crepes….if ewe haza fone; call de pizza place, de donut shoppe N watertower place….noe H2o pun inn tended….. N ask for directoree assistance ta de local shoppez….make doodle pick up de pizza N donuts while ewe, mrs P & niles …ENJOY de benny fits of veesa & masterCAT charge cardz….hope mom fod & rocky iz doin all right ♥

  • Awww poor Crepes, Kaspars sends his sympathies that you are not able to be at home now. We are glad everyone is safe and soon you will be able to return to your castle to reign over MomFOD and DadFOD. As usual you never cease to amaze me with your skills– I guess we need to add computer technician and programmer to your list of job titles.

  • A Tabby Tragedy..Crepes..I will get you a life vest for protection. I think you would look sharp in one..a personalized one ..Maybe your Grnadma would knit you one..not that it would be waterproof but its seems like knitting and Grandmas go together Luv, Pixie xx00xx

    • Are you kidding? My GramFOD couldn’t knit herself a ladder to get out of a burning building. She’s a good hugger, though. – Crepes.

  • Yikes! A flood? That’s awful Crepes…..I’m glad you are safe where you are but I bet you would WAY rather be home – let’s hope that happens soon….in the meantime you’re discovering all kinds of interesting things there….rubber bands and envelopes and an old encyclopedia???? Can’t wait to hear what else you find!

    Hugs, Sammy

  • How awful to be displaced, Crepes! But I am sure you will endure your ordeal with your usual upbeat attitude!

  • Crepes you crack me up! Although being flooded is no laughing matter. I hope you all get dry really soon xxx

  • Oh no, we didn’t know exactly what was going on and that your home was flooded…how stressful! Big purrs and good thoughts to you Crepes and clan, we hope that all will be okay and that you will be back home very soon. Crepes, you are such a resourceful kitty, oh yes you are!

  • Aaaaw sweety meez so sowwy yous havvin’ such a hawd time. Meez finks yous must be vewy smawt tho’ tu hav wowked out all those initials. MOL Meez didn’t know dat dial ups still existed. MOL meez purrayin’ fuw yous and yous furmily. meez knows yous wuld waddew be in yous own home in yous own bed, but least yous had sumwhewe tu go. 😀

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


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