The Best Gifts Are Friends (and ASPCA Winner!)

Alana here today. Crepes is busy baking cookies for Santa and couldn’t pull her stump out of the mixing bowl long enough to write her post. She shared her notes with me, however, and this post is a mix of both of our thoughts on the best gifts for Christmas.

.This year, I decided to join the Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange. I was paired with the blog Me, You, and Zu ,  a blog I hadn’t yet come across, to exchange gifts of encouragement, support, and even a post or two. You, Me, and Zu is written by Ruby, a lovely lady that enjoys running and her pets. Not specifically a pet blog, but heavily pet-focused, You, Me, and Zu has been an excellent partner for this project for many reasons. Her posts are thoughtful and candid. This month, she’s been focusing specifically on Christmas ideas and many of her posts have made me laugh, but they’ve also been thought provoking in a really great way.  For instance, I hadn’t ever thought about my favorite Christmas ornament before. Now I realize that I can’t possibly pick one. Too many of them are so special for so many reasons. The tree has become not only a place to stash gifts but also a running timeline of my life and the people in it. I’d also never pondered fruit cake before. Would I eat it? Wouldn’t I? Probably, but maybe not too much of it.

Just one of the lovely photos posted by Ruby at You, Me, and Zu
Just one of the lovely photos posted by Ruby at Me, You, and Zu

Crepes asked Ruby a few questions about herself, and here’s what she told us:

Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog because I wanted an easy way to share my stories with my family who live far away. I was always raving on about the things we did with ZuZu since she goes everywhere with us and I felt if I blogged about our stories I would seem like less of an obsessed dog lady. 🙂
Whats the main focus of your blog? 
Day to day life with pets and the adventures we have. Everyone has blogs about raising babies, making food or some kind of pet awareness (or the pet is the blogger) but I couldn’t find very many specific to what life is like raising a dog and two cats. I know it’s not the same as raising a kid but it’s not always easy with a dog who knocks everything over with her fluffy tail or two cats who jump out at you from the dark hallway!

What hobbies do you have besides blogging?

I really like taking naps 😉 As for actual hobbies I love to read, take pictures and go on runs (or walks) with ZuZu.
I see you’re a runner. It looks like you also like Disney because you want to run there. Is that true? Do you like Disney? (MomFOD LOVES disney)
I do like Disney! I’ve come to love Disney more as an adult than I did as a kid or teenager. A few of my friends have little kids so I’ve been re-introduced to Disney movies and realize how great they are! Lately Beauty and the Beast has been my favorite 🙂 I don’t like big crowds and don’t know if I have the patience to stand in line at Disney World or Land but I would love to go someday even if it was just to do all the 5k/marathons!
What’s your favorite animal-related charity?
I’d probably have to say Borders Without Boundaries because that’s how we came to adopt ZuZu. I really love to support all animal charities though. I’m a sucker for the pet events where everyone has tables set up. I would donate to everyone if I could! Right now I’ve been focusing on the Larimer County Humane Society here in Fort Collins, Colorado. Due to the devastating wildfires over the last 2 years and the crazy flooding they have been overwhelmed. Not only did they take in strays, lost and abandoned animals but they were taking in resident’s pets and livestock because everyone was displaced. Volunteer groups were going on rescue missions to get the animals out of danger areas and into safety. There have been some amazing stories. And they’ve done it all with a building that is tiny and in need of major repairs.
You have a bucket list on your blog. What’s next for you to fill in from that list?
Hmm…probably buying a house, hopefully with a nice, big yard for Zu! That’s kind of boring though…a fun one I’m planning for this spring is taking a hot air balloon ride!

If you could hug Crepes, Rocky, Niles, Mrs. P, or Dixie, but you could only hug one of them, one time, who would you hug? Be honest.

Oh wow, talk about saving the hardest for last! I would really love to hug them all but I think if I had to pick right now, I would choose Rocky. I’d give him a big hug and kiss to let him know I want him to get better!
You can see from these answers that Ruby is a kind, open-hearted person. And I know from experience, at least through the blogging world, that she’s generous. She posted about Crepes numerous times. She shared our links, commented on our posts, and really took the lead on this gift exchange project. Her generosity made me want to follow suit, but honestly, it’s been hard to top.  And I’m not going to lie: that last answer made me cry a little, because I want so much for Rocky to get well, and it’s so touching to know that she and so many others are wishing him well and really care about him, too.
.This project has proven to me further that blogging is rewarding, not only because I’m able to write about projects and rescues that I believe in, but because the community has been so supportive. Meeting like-minded people like Ruby makes me think there’s hope in this world for animals and other good things, because it reminds me in the times when I’m down that there are good people in the world who want to genuinely help those in need, people with wonderful ideas and laugh-producing jokes who make this place a little lighter and a little better with each word, post, and good deed. I’d like to take a moment to thank Ruby (and Zu and kitties) for being one of those people. Your gift to me has been inspiration and a new friendship.
And thank you to all of our readers, to everyone who sent a Christmas card to Crepes and the rest of my buddies, and to our Secret Paws Stacy and Ms. Stella (who you’ll hear more about soon): you’re all just lovely. Merry Christmas.


The winner of our ASPCA gift package, chosen using,  is LAURA CRANE!  Congrats, Laura! Please email me at CrepesATcatinthefridgeDOTcom in the next 72 hours with your shipping information to confirm your prize! If I’m unable to contact my lucky winner after 72 hours, another name will be drawn. Thanks for your entries, everyone! Laura, we hope to see a photo of you enjoying your new cat hat!


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  • The best gifts really are friends – love that notion. 🙂

    I really enjoyed your interview with Ruby – what a wonderful way to get to know the lady behind the blog. So happy you joined us for the gift exchange – this was a fantastic post!

  • Alana and Crepes – what a great idea to interview Ruby for the Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange. I loved learning more about her and you asked some wonderful questions.

    Thanks so much for the generous spirit you brought to the gift exchange!

  • guys. we bee ona pos dee vize two day N with de lightnin fast speed oh de internetz??? we wanted ta say merry christmas bee fore easter getz heere!!!!!!!

  • A lovely interview, Alana and Crepes. I had not heard of Me, You and Zu before your blog exchange, but I am definitely going to check them out now! (Keep feeling better, Rocky!!)

  • Thank you so much Alana & Crepes for the wonderful words about us! I’ve very much loved the support you’ve given us and it’s been fun getting to know all of you!

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