Bachelorette of the Week: Edith!

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Today on CatInTheFridge we have Edith, a nurturer with a love for kittens. Edith was taken in by St. Sophia’s Forgotten Felines while she was extremely pregnant. In fact, Edith loves kittens so much that she delivered them four weeks late. Apparently she wanted more 1 on 5 bonding time. After delivering her giant offspring, Edith raised them AND 11 other kittens. Talk about a real helper. However, now that all the kittens have flown the cat tree, Edith is looking for love of a different kind.

Edith is a quiet kitty, except when she’s chirping, which she likes to do while looking out the window. She’s fabulously social and loves other kitties and people, so if you’re not looking for a one on one kind of relationship, Edith fits right in to your plans. Taking her out to dinner will keep her extra happy because she loves to eat. What does she like to eat? Probably whatever you like, because that’s the kind of gal she is.

Edith has tested positive for FIV and she wanted me to tell you that because she’s very socially responsible. She may need a few extra vet checkups over the course of her long life, but other than that, she’s quite healthy. If you like her look, and you want that special nurturer in your life to love you, lick you, and groom your hair, Edith is your lady. You can contact St. Sophia’s Forgotten Felines or me for more info.

Edith, dreaming of you, her new love
Edith, dreaming of you, her new love
Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
Contemplating dinner. And breakfast and lunch, too.
Contemplating dinner. And breakfast and lunch, too.




PS. Don’t forget about the giveaway happening on my site this week! Who wouldn’t want to win SuperGravy? Edith would want you to win SuperGravy because it’s tasty.


  • Edith you are certainly a beauty!!! Be patient little one, it’s a very lucky thing to be the featured Bachelor/Bachelorette by Crepes – just ask both D’Artagnan and now Dot from Tabby’s Place! Both are very happy in their very own furrever homes!! Good Luck!!

    • The dog likes to smell my ending, but i’m not usually happy about it. I agree though that someone out there is going to love Edith! – Crepes.

  • pea ess…ewe R a gorgeous gurl, we can see why everee one loves ewe ~~~~~ XOXO

    we wuz gettin reddy ta type that in R furst commint… but we sneek round blogville N had ta make a quik “werk related” get a way 🙂

  • edith…any gal that likez salmon, perch, sghetti, ham samiches, friez, trout, toona, mackerull, flounder, butter, pork chops and pizza pies iz total way kewl in R book…heerz hopin ya find yur for evers home reeeely quik, may St Francis see ewe to it yet this month !!

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