Review and Giveaway: Clear Conscience Pet’s “SuperGravy”

Today on Cat In The Fridge, we have our very first giveaway! We were approached by Clear Conscience Pet, a company founded in 2010 that focuses on making pet treats from free-range, grass-fed, or organically-raised sources, to review their SuperGravy product. Since it meets mom FOD’s standards of what she feeds to us, we had them ship over a sample for our panel to review. For full disclosure, we were given one 4.5 oz bag of SuperGravy, 6 sample sticks of their Sliders dog treats, and the agreement to allow us a giveaway on our site. With that said, let’s talk about the product!

clear conscience pet supergravy
SuperGravy Food Topper, the official photo

SuperGravy is a food topper meal supplement that’s meant to make your pets’ food a little tastier, more palatable, and more nutritious. The maker suggests that one use it for picky eaters, “appetites depressed by illness or older age,” pets that are reluctant to eat their prescription diets, or for healthy pets who happen to like the flavor. It can be sprinkled on food directly and then mixed with water, or made into a gravy separately and poured over the food. We chose the latter method.

We began by scooping out one scoop of the powder (scoop included) and putting it into a small bowl.

clear conscience pet supergravy
SuperGravy, powdered, in a cute little peach bowl, with included scoop

We mixed it with 2 scoops of warm water and stirred. The result was a brown gravy that we then poured over our normal food.

clear conscience pet supergravy
SuperGravy on the food

The directions say we should “STIR VIGOROUSLY” in capital letters, which makes sense because the result was a bit grainy and chunky when we stirred normally with a spoon. Despite the somewhat grainy texture, we decided to give it a go for our readers. Our results were as follows:

Our tasters:

Rocky, age 14, tabby, usually eats anything but has an extremely sensitive stomach

Niles, age 13, black cat, picky eater, eats sparingly

Mrs. Peabody, age 6, tortie, eats anything but has a sensitive stomach

Crepes (me), age 2, tabby, eats anything

Dixie, age 7, dog, oddly picky for a dog. Often refuses her food.

clear conscience pet supergravy
Four of our tasters hard at work
clear conscience pet supergravy
The fifth, and pickiest, taster


Results: Out of five tasters, 100% of the tasters accepted the food. 0% of our tasters experienced any digestive upset. 20% of our tasters (dog) licked the gravy out of the bowl first then ate the food. Therefore, the gravy was a hit! Here’s what it’s made from:

Ingredients: Bison liver, organic beef liver, beef liver, organic beef heart, beef heart, cold milled chia seed, organic beef kidney, beef kidney, dried organic spinach, dried organic pumpkin, dried organic carrot, ascorbic acid (natural preservative and source of vitamin C)

Conclusion: We really liked the SuperGravy. The ingredients are all natural with no extra nonsense in the product. Mom FOD would like to see a bit more of just the organic ingredients without the need for the non-organic organ meats, but overall, SuperGravy seems to be a high-quality product.

GIVEAWAY: So, let’s get on to the giveaway!  One of our lucky readers will receive a 4.5 oz package of the SuperGravy product (retail value $12.95) from Clear Conscience Pet. Click here on a Rafflecopter giveaway link to enter yourself in the giveaway. Please note that this giveaway is only open to US residents. ONE winner will be chosen randomly using RaffleCopter on June 25th, 2013. Winner will be notified by email on or after June 25th, 2013.



  • Always happy to find a new cat blog!
    We love Clear Conscience Pet, and have to hide their Lamb Airy Bites high in the cupboard to keep the kitties from ripping the bag open at 3:00 AM, but we haven’t tried their gravy yet. I’ve probably looked at it 100 times, though! One of my adopted FIV+ boys needs a boost in the nutrition department, and he can be a picky boy at times.

  • Thanks for the review and giveaway Crepes. My 21 year old loves gravy on his food. And he is very picky. Maybe this would make him want to eat more.
    Sue B

  • best fishes ta everee one who enters de contest

    thanx for offerin thiz give a wayz crepes….R food service purrson tried givin uz salmon flavored gravee onze N for bein de fish lovers we iz…we had ta say….noe thanx N pleez dont put it on R foodz again ladee …ore let uz just eat it with sum mashed potatoz…ore biscuits ore anythin else ya can think of coz we dont like it ~~~


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