The Walking Dead OMG!

Did you hear The Walking Dead Sunday night? I just caught up on DVR and OMG! SPOILER ALERT: The Zombies got shot!! Some of them in the head. And some of them … well in other places. But holy cow! I heard it all go down from my usual The Walking Dead listening zone under the couch. I couldn’t believe it when that one guy with the deep voice said what he said to the girl with the other voice, and then there’s this girl who doesn’t seem to talk much but I can hear her scowling or something. She has a weapon that goes WHOOSH! Anyway, she was there and it was scary! And I just LOVE Darrell with the weapon that goes SHHHH… THUNK!

Check out my Zombie Crepes photo! I used the Dead Yourself app. Neat, huh?

walking dead crepes
Zombie Crepes!

Did you see what was in my zombie bunker? If you missed it, look here! 

What’s your favorite part of The Walking Dead?  Do a zombie photo and send it to me!


    • You know why there are no kitties on the show? Because all the kitties are smart! They’re in their bunkers in a giant group, or up in trees, where the zombies can’t get them! Not like the dumb humans who are all shooting each other in the midst of a crisis. The cats in that show probably have their own island somewhere where they’re drinking mouse-tinis and eating crackers. – Crepes.

  • crepes….that bee one awesum sooooper scaree zombeez pick sure for sure !!

  • Oh no, not your Mommy too?! Ours is a fan and never misses it. Happy Tuesday!

    Pee Ess – we love your bunker!

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