UPDATE: LEONARDO PESCATORE HAS FOUND A HOME! As of July, 2019, he is happily on a couch.
You Guys,
Pinkle here. Today, I’m interviewing Mr. Leonard Pescatore. From what I understand, he has been in the shelter system for almost two years and therefore, he’s vowed to wear a chicken hat* until he finds a home. Let’s see what he has to say.

Pinkle: Welcome, Leonardo.
Leonardo: Thank you, Pinkle. It’s good to be here.
P: Tell me, Leo. What’s this protest you are staging today?
L: Well, it’s about finding a home. Tree House is great, but I’m searching for more permanent floors to sit on.
P: I prefer putting my ass on tables but I can understand your desire for your own floor. Continue.
L: I’ve been told I’m mildly less desirable to adopt.
P: Ah, it’s your face.
L: What’s wrong with my face?
P: Oh. No. It’s not your face. Sorry. Go on.
L: Well, I have what they call The FeLV, and I also have what they tell me is The FIV. My eye is a little runny, and I’m not big on too much touch, tho I am happy to sit beside you and get a good back scratch. And now, thanks to you, I also have some serious concerns about my face.
P: Your face is lovely. Very weathered. Like Clint Eastwood.
L: …

P: And where does the chicken hat come in?
L: I just needed a shtick.
P: And the asterisk? There’s an asterisk in your press release that says ” *for limited amounts of time and only at his own discretion.”
L: I can’t just wear the hat all the time. That would be ridiculous.
P: Isn’t that the point of a protest, tho?
L: What?
P: …nevermind. Anyway folks, Leonardo is searching. Find him in Colony 10 at Tree House Humane Society in Chicago. They’re doing great, cutting edge things for FeLV-positive cats, including some new guidelines on what kind of households can adopt them, so if you’re interested in meeting Leo, hurry over!
L: Yeah, hurry. I’m sick of wearing this chicken hat.
P: You’re not even wearing it.
L: Wasn’t once enough suffering?
P: You’ll be remembered by history.
PS Don’t forget Alana works at Tree House now, so she’s in the know! If you guys have any questions for her, comment below!
[…] —Meet Leonardo Pescatore […]
OMC, Leo, I hope you find a home soon – you made my human laugh uncontrollably, so I know the right home is definitely out there for you!
dood…..we think yur one handsum dood; N sew iz clint for that matter; N bout de hole felv fev tv vee L f thing; sum oh R best pals ever frum R catster dayz had a medz chart just like that N they had a for everz N lived good long livez….sendin best best fishes two ewe clint leo ♥♥
now, bout that chckn hat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🙂
don’t listen to Pinkle Leo – we think you are very handsome. we are going to share so you can remove the hat
Orange cats are always in order. Best wishes.
I hope this cutie gets a forever home soon.
Oh Leo – we hope you don’t have to wear that hat too long – not that you don’t look fine in it. We just want you to find your furever home !
Oh Leo! We sure hope some human sees how utterly engaging you are and gives you the home you so deserve.
Leo, Pinkle, this is Katie Isabella on Blogspot.com. Word Press stopped allowing me to use my own blogspot credentials over a year ago and I mist leave comments through my old old storage WP blog. But it’s me. Don’t worry about your face Leo. It’s handsome, and like you, full of orange goodness. I hope you don’t have to or choose to wear the chicken hat again; and I hope hope that your new mom or dad come through and fall in love with you today!