You Guys!
I have for you today a brand new episode of the CATastrophes Web Series featuring The Purrminator as he tries to negotiate the customs behind Valentine’s Day.
What do you think?
Do you have any questions for the Purrminator?
Those were some mighty terrific gifts. The best we could do for our peeps was extra snuggles. That bear looks like an excellent bed. All eight of us could fit on him. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, MistyMay, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Always love your videos.
Sue B
MOL! The Purrminator needs to do a little more research. 😉
dood….sew …ya noe squirrel heart iz like total lee WAY better N say…burd gizzard…yea….
yur valentines day giftz total lee rock
N like wear did ya get dee 193 feetz bear !!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
happee heartz day oh love !~!~
I love how literal cats are especially the Purrminator. I’d nominate him for an Oscar.
I’LL take the squirrel heart!!!!
MOL Now, the Purriminator is a great guy. To think he tried on Valentine’s Day gives me goose bumps all over. Just because the lady didn’t understand his gestures is the lady’s fault. MOL
Well, I’d say that the Purrminator gets points for making a Valentine’s “gesture” (whether appropriate or not) and remember, it’s the THOUGHT that counts…….right? Now – tell me – are you going to have to move to a bigger house to accommodate the teddy bear?
Hugs, Sammy