Dear Citizens of CrepesTown (that’s right, I have annexed you all):
Please let me announce to you that, although spring has not quite sprung, have have our very first veggie of the year. Meet Carrot!

Carrot is a nine-month old sprout that loves to sing. In fact, we’ve heard tell that, before he ended up in a New York high-kill shelter, he had a band called “The Four Carrot Tops.” Unfortunately, many people thought it was a Motown-style band comprised of all red-headed comedians and no one showed up for their concerts.
In any case, Carrot has taken his talent and gone on tour, touching on each of the continents. Continent hopping, if you will. In fact, one might say he’s been in-continent and out of continent constantly. He’s even been slightly to the left of continent, which is where you can find him today. For the less astute of you, I shall spell it out: he has an injury that doesn’t allow him to fully empty his bladder.
You know how when something is SO cute you just want to squeeze it? Well, you can squeeze Carrot! In fact, you’ll have to, at least twice a day, to make sure his little bladder is completely emptied and he doesn’t get an infection. It’s not that he doesn’t use the box; he does. He just doesn’t always realize that he is sprinkling the garden, so to speak.
Anyway, Carrot is lovely. He’s available for adoption. He’s happy go lucky, he sings non-stop, loves to climb, and wants to be the filling in your delicious cake. Pluck him from the garden that is Tabby’s Place, where so many beautiful things grow.

PS. He’s also accepting sponsorship if you can’t have him in your home. Consider it like a CSA, except the veggies stay at Tabby’s Place and instead you get a great sense of accomplishment.
I really appreciating your idea’s..keep it up……
Carrot is one hep cat with that little soul patch. Or is that carrot juice on his chin? 😉 And nothing sounds better than being annexed by Crepes!
Carrot! You look a bit like Prince Harry! But you are much more handsome! Luv, Pixie xx00xx
OMC Hims so gawjus. Weez shawin’ and purrayin’ hims gets a pawsum home soon.
And weez wanna fank you hooman fur da pawsum info da udder day. Weez missed da live showin’ but watched da video and weez learned so much. Weez posted ’bout it today in ow Blest Sunday posty as well as a Fank you. We weally hope to make it to BlogPaws to learn more and meet ya’. Weez been so behind, but we weally do miss ya’.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Carrot is altogether too cute!!
He’s adorable. Shared.
Sue B
Such a precious veggie… squeezing Carrot a few times to day seems worth it for such a sweetheart!
What a cute veggie he is!
We hopes Carrot finds a home soon. He is the cutest little carrot. We will shares him. ~ATCAD
He is soooo cute!!! Squeezing Carrot twice a day seems like an awfully small price to pay for such a wonderful kitty! 🙂 I hope he finds a loving companion very soon.
I love how you wrote this about him, with the squeezing and everything 🙂 He is so cute!
OMC, what a precious face Carrot has!
He’s so cute! We hope he finds a home soon!
Gus, Pearl, and Jaq
What a cute guy! We love that Tabby’s Place takes such good care of kitties like this who are so hard to place until their forever home comes along.
PS we MOLed about Crepes town. Was it a hostile takeover?
Ohhhh, Carrot is just the Tops! lol! What a handsome guy!
dood…de best oh fishes two ewe ya finds… & iz INN… yur for evers by St Patrick’s day….gram paw dude loved ta sing two…..most lee for hiz supper tho, N he never had a band… but prob a blee wished he did ….♥♥♥ ~~~~~
awwww – he’s a cutie.