Bachelor of the Week: Moon Shadow!

Hello, World!

Today, I’d like to introduce you to the one, the only, Moon Shadow! :: insert applause and whisker twitches here::

Moon Shadow: The Invincible.
He doesn’t always dangle his paw, but when he does, he looks really, really cool.

Moon Shadow is a adult black cat who slinks about the house in the most elegant of ways. He also loves to regale the world with his wonderful breath. True story. See below. Haaaaaaaaa…..

Moon Shadow was adopted a few years ago but returned due to differences he had with the other resident cat. He likes head rubs, laser pointers, and sitting in your lap. He also enjoys taking insulin shots to control his rather minor case of the diabetes. Do you have space in your lap for Moon Shadow?

YOU DO????? (Yes, I’m looking at YOU.)

Then contact Save A Pet IL today and tell them you’re in! MS is available for adoption or permanent foster, where SavAPetIL will pay for his medical bills in case you are unable. What a deal!

Freshening the world with his breath.
Freshening the world with his breath. Haaaaaaaa…
Workin' it as a tail model.
Workin’ it as a tail model.





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