You guys.
It’s been a busy week. MomFOD was in New York for 8 days, followed by three days at the Indianapolis CatVidFest. She’s back now and, as is protocol, I have given her a very hard time and peed on various items she has yet to find. However, we wanted to make certain that we did not miss out on wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving, so we filmed and edited this yesterday.
Today, I share with you: Thanksgiving with the Purrminator. (I’m rather fond of this one and got to eat some of the props.)
Too funny and another great video!
Keep em coming and thanks so much for all you do for kitties in need. It makes us want to Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Timmy and Fumily
A Purrminator Thanksgiving? Affirmative… mol.
Happy Thanksgiving! After lots of turkey and goodies we watched you tube videos. Catastrophes got rave reviews and a few new fans.
P.S. Yes, I ate stuffing. Baked it in a pan this year. Wonder why?
Have a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving!
Noodle and crew
Happy Thanksgiving! Mom always bakes the stuffing in a pan in the oven. Or uses the instant kind when she is being really lazy. Bird butts gross her out… She thinks our fluffy butts are cute–so long as there are no dingleberries.
Serafina, Arya, Bean, Iggy, Teddy, and Useless
Happy Thanksgiving! How fun to spend it with the Purrminator! Okay, well maybe not so fun.
The head peep says she’s going to leave the stuffing for everyone else this year….
MOL! Now the mom will never eat stuffing again. 😉 Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Having second thoughts about eating the stuffing.
dood ~~~~ we total lee agree bout de stuffin in de bass terd burdz azz…..we even made a sing song poem bout it that we post yeer lee….stop bye TT two morrow fora look seelisten if ya can…..hope ewe guys haza burd free, all ewe can eat pie kinda day; hope all iz well in yur new “diggz ” ♥♥♥
Happy Thanksgiving…….thanks to you guys, I’m skipping the dressing this year! 😉
Love, Sammy (and Mom Pam)
LOL…MOL! Who else would think of sharing Thanksgiving with the Purrminator? Well done. Nice apron, Alana. Happy Thanksgiving to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo