Tuesday Haikusday: Niles (and A Video)

I haven’t done haiku in a while. I’ve decided today is the day. Join me as I wax poetic on Niles, my elder brother. Eh hem…


Darkly stealthy, cool

Slinking about in the night

I know you are there.


Sleek, panther-like gait

As your tongue rasps through your fur

You stop and listen.


Nineteen Ninety Nine

Sixteen years resting your head

On MomFOD’s shoulder.

Niles finally got a chance to star, really star, in a CATastrophes film. It seems to be a runaway hit. Please enjoy Niles in ” What Your Senior Cat Might Be Thinking.





  • Well, Mom’s at it again. She meandered off to write a haiku with her scrambled, Lyme-diseased brain, when she should be petting us, playing with us, and generally waiting on our every whim. We must say, though, that she REALLY loves old cats and will go to extreme lengths to keep them healthy, comfortable and happy.

    Uh, oh. She’s back, and here goes:

    Napping in the sun.
    Still, the tiger dwells within
    Stalking in his dreams.

    Old cat possesses
    The wisdom of the ages.
    Knowledge of times past.

    Nine lives of secrets.
    Do you really want to know?
    They could haunt your soul.

    Serafina, Arya, Bean, Iggy, Teddy, and Useless

  • Another great video, especially when we have to share the bed with at least 5 of the 8 every night and deal with a 16-year-old demando cat. Hugs, Janet

  • Hi Crepes! Long time..no chat..I’ve been on a secret mission..can’t talk about it but just know not all Navy Seals are Seals..nor in the Navy. I have also come down with a serious case of “Cubs Fever”..so to honor our Chicago Cubs and your bro Niles I have whipped up a song..well kinda stole the music from the late great Steve Goodman..but the lyrics are all mine..well most of them..Luv, Pixie xxooxx

    Blogging readings underway
    Better get ready for a brand new day
    Hey Blog reader what do you say?
    Niles is going to win today!

    we’re singing..

    Go Niles Go!
    Go Niles Go!

    Hey Blog readers what do you say?
    Niles is in the blog today!

    Go Niles Go!
    Go Niles Go!

    Hey Blog readers what do you say?
    Niles is in the blog today!

  • Crepes, Happy to hear Niles is a healthy 16 years old. Thank you for sharing him in a video. Great job!

  • Aaaaaw Dat was very sweet Crepes. Sis Lexi who also be 16 purretty much gets everyfin’ she wants too.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  • Oh Crepes, we really love this one ! Great reminder ! Purrs

  • I love this! Thanks for the reminder – I wanted to share it on Facebook sometime today!

  • Yep – as an “almost 16” cat, I totally ABSOLUTELY think Niles has the “typical” routine DOWN…..and I do mean DOWN. Niles, if you decide to run for Prez of the SCA (Senior Cats of America), let me know – I wanna be your spokesdude.

    Love, Sammy

  • bravo dood bravo
    lookin good fora senior
    we loved thiz mewvie

    moo vee bomb bye crepes
    black catz rock they all wayz haz
    mizzuz P’z tern next

    yez ewe haz wizdom
    980 paws up
    heerz two manee viewz


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