World, Meet Boots.

You know how sometimes you find just the right pair (or pair and a half, in my case) of boots, and you wear them in all comfy and soft? And then you’re worried that you’ll only have a season or two to wear them, but somehow, with the right care and love, they manage to hang on for years beyond what you thought? And they become your trusted pair of go-to shoes that just seems to work with everything you want to wear?
Well, same with this Boots. He came into Tabby’s Place looking at heart failure at age three. They didn’t think he had long. He was promoted to the lobby so they could keep a close eye on him and administer anything he needed. And that, my friends, was five years ago.
Boots is now on hardly any medication and shows no signs of slowing down. Boots is amazing. He also sports a cute little bald spot on his chest where he has regular ultra sounds. Ladies, I know some of you like the shaved chest look. Can I get a show of hands?
Anyway, Boots loves to cuddle and snuggle, he’s very attentive to people, and he’s cool with other cats.
If you’d like to meet Boots or make a small donation to help with his care, contact Tabby’s Place! Boots is there, waiting, spit shining his soft soft fur in preparation for meeting his one true love. Hurry, before someone else snags this amazing, one of a kind, perfectly fashionable Boots!

Aww! What a sweetheart! We are a sucker for a cat in a tuxedo and hope Boots finds a furever home soon!
Boots is magnificent and look at those whiskers!
Boots is one of those awesome miracle cats! I’m surprised nobody has adopted him.
Such a cutie, I hope he gets a forever home soon.
What a handsome guy! We’re so glad that Tabby’s Place takes such good care of kitties like Boots until loving families come along to adopt them.
dood….~~~~~ waves….veree nice ta meet ewe…N ya noe what …de place oh eeeeeeeeeevil toll me eye wood knot live ta see 7…….faaaaaaaaaaaaa…that was like 15 ore mor yeerz ago….eye am knot good at math frank lee….all de best frum all oh us that ya finds & iz IN yur for evers by mid month
heerz two a frigate mackerull kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
What a great pair of whiskers! Boots you are georgeous.Thanks Crepes.
Aaaaaw Hims handsum. Weez sharin’ and purrayin’.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Woohoo…another, knockum down, good looker. Boots…I love your boots. My boots are more like go go boots and they’re black. Love the white but they must be hard to keep clean.
Big hugs,
What a great promo write up for Boots! Crepes, you rock as a creative writer for sure.Will share on my FB and send out some tweets.