Bachelorette of the Week: Jaeger

World, meet Jaeger.


I have just read the most wonderful description of this sweet cat and, quite frankly, I’m not entirely sure I can outdo it, nor would I want to (yes, I would, but I’m trying to be gracious). Instead, I will link you to the lovely piece written by the shining heart of Angela from Tabby’s Place and draw from it to describe to you this lovely creature of mystery.

Imagine a kitty who can’t see you, but who can SEE you, straight through to your soul. Jaeger is the kitty who can do just that. While her eyes don’t function as we’d expect, it seems that she has the wisdom of ages behind her (or at least of twelve years anyway, which is still pretty sage for a cat). This lady won’t mind if you call her the Jaegermeister or Mick Jaeger as she sits near you and touches you ever so gently with her paw. Instead, she’ll throw rays of love your way so that you’ll feel with your heart rather than seeing with your eyes. (No, seriously, this is totally a thing.)

She won’t see a red door and want it painted black; in fact, she won’t see a red door at all, but if she could, she’d want it painted a bright rainbow of colors to match her loving nature.

If you’d like to meet Jaeger, contact Tabby’s Place immediately. I have a feeling this little lady won’t be available for long.

This photo leads us to believe that Jaeger might have, at one point, been on tour with David Bowie.
This photo leads us to believe that Jaeger might have, at one point, been on tour with David Bowie.
"I can't see you, but I can see your soul, and you seem to have a spot of tomato soup on it. Let me help you." -Jaeger
“Oh no! You seem to have spilled a bit of chicken soup on your soul. Let me help you.” -Jaeger



Photos provided by Tabby’s Place.


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