Bachelor of the Week: Midnight Saturn!

You guys!

Perhaps you’ve noticed thatI haven’t been around much recently. I’m not saying why, I’m just saying that I’ve noticed, too. But I’m here now to continue a trend in inter-galactic cats. Today, I bring you Midnight Saturn!

Midnight Saturn3
There is more here than meets the eye.

Now, looking carefully at that photo, you may think that he is, in fact, made entirely of dark matter. This is not the case, for, if you look closely you can see some stardust in his ears and some wonderful green star birthing grounds right there in the middle.

Midnight Saturn left his galaxy when his guardian passed away into another existence. While there, he’d been co-mingling with twenty-two other galaxies (cats) and didn’t get a lot of personal attention. He prefers his petting and loving to happen when you’re on the same level such as when you’re both on the floor, or both at eye-level, or both somewhere in the third ring of Saturn.

He does well with other cats. In fact, he has one that he crashed into recently and they seem to have melded into an irregular galaxy pattern.

Roma and Midnight Saturn - the new thing in galaxies
Roma and Midnight Saturn – the new thing in galaxies

There aren’t any particular special health needs about this boy except that he’s black, which makes him harder to adopt, and that he also was already adopted and returned because he didn’t like to get inside his carrier for trips to the vet. I won’t even touch that one, but I’m sure a few readers may have some comments about that reason for surrender.

If you’d like to meet Midnight Saturn and bring him into your world, contact Save A Pet IL today. Hurry!  Before he drifts away to distant reaches of the universe! (Also, Roma could use a solid home, too.)

The two galaxies meld further into one.
The two galaxies meld further into one.
All dressed up .... and waiting for YOU.
All dressed up …. and waiting for YOU.




  • Such an elegant and gorgeous boy! We hope he brings love and happiness to the family that adopts him. Black cats are good luck!

  • He looks so classy in his tie!

    My cat HATES both the carrier and the vet so appointments are usually nightmares, but I would never ever return him because of that! I wouldn’t like being jammed into a carrier either!

  • What adorable kitties. Sure hope they find their furever home together. About the “carrier issue”–humans are stoopid and cats are smart–I thought everyone knew that!

  • Roma and Midnight Saturn should be adopted together. Lets hope that happens real soon.
    P.S. Do they make boxes (crates) big enough to put the former adopters in and ship off to the galaxes???

  • I am keeping my mouth shut about the carrier except I don’t think they should ever own a pet. They look adorable together. Maybe someone with adopt both. Shared.
    Sue B

  • He is absolutely gorgeous! He and Roma make a very striking pair as well. We will share him, and we will be hoping he finds a wonderful new FUREVER home (possibly with Roma too!).

  • dood….best best BEST fishes two ewe & roma two…we hope ya both getz adopted two gether….inta a for evers home that…. “getz it” ….that no animal wantz ta get inta a carrier….N we hope yur both in yur new place by months end in time ta see de quarter moon ♥♥♥♥♥

  • Really – wouldn’t get in the carrier??? ugh…..

    Anyhow, we certainly hope this house panther and his girlfriend can get adopted – together!!

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