Bachelor of the Week: Paesan!

Oh, you guys. Look at this.


This is Paesan and he has a face that makes you go “awww.” Am I right? He also has FIV. And, um, stomatitis. And asthma. Oh, and beautiful orange fur! Wouldn’t you love to pet his wonderful, luscious coat? I’ll bet you would! You could even stroke it as you held his tiny little asthma mask to his face. He’s so high tech.

Paesan doesn’t mind other kitties and stays out of their way. He loves to make faces at you, with or without his asthma mask on, and enjoys being petted, but not TOO much. That last part is key. Also, I’ve heard tell he loves to eat stew. I’m not sure where I heard that, but I’m sure it’s true.

Anyway, as I describe him to you, I get the feeling myself that he’s quite an enigma, really. So many likes, so many dislikes, so many special needs. Do you want to be the one to figure this little guy out? Are you afraid that he’s going to break your heart or, perhaps, your pocket book?

Never fear on the first one; if he commits to you, it’s for life. And as far as the funds go for managing his health care, Save A Pet IL is willing to allow him as a permanent foster and will cover medical bills for his stomatitis and asthma. So, problem solved!

If you’d like to meet him, contact Save A Pet IL to get more information on this radiant fellow.

And in case you weren’t already convinced by the first photo:

Paesan for President.
Paesan for President.
"The cafeteria is out of stew again? Nuts." - Paesan.
“The cafeteria is out of stew again? Nuts.” – Paesan.
"Oh, are you interested in ME? Let's have stew and chat." - Paesan.
“Oh, are you interested in ME? Let’s have stew and chat.” – Paesan.

Photos provided by Save a Pet IL.




  • Paesan really tugs at my heartstrings, especially because I recently lost my special girl (she’s my ID photo). I wish I lived there instead of Florida, which is a nightmare for pets with allergies. Assuming you would have updated if he’d been adopted, I can only hope he is now in a permanent foster home.

  • dood !!! seer ee iz lee…we hope yur wait for yur for evers //foster iz up…N yur in yur for everz…hope full tax day, & yur enjoyin stew, chillaxin, stew & chillaxin …de best oh stew N fishes two ewe ♥♥♥♥

  • Paesan is PRECIOUS…..of course we kinda feel that way about gingers in general but this little guy has a lot on his plate (not just stew) and yet he looks HAPPY……we’re sure he is…..but a forever home would be AMAZING. Paws crossed that it happens.

    Hugs, Sammy

    • I love his cute face, hope he gets a home soon, he deserves one.

  • What a handsome guy. We really hope some nice person takes a chance on him. What a delight it would be to wake up to that sweet face every morning. We have nominated y’all for an award. You can pick it up today on our blog. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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