How to Fit All Your Pets’ Names on Your Christmas Card

Have you ever had the feeling that you just have too many cats to fit on a Christmas card? And then you try to shove the dog in there, too?

louie crepes christmas copy
I had grand plans for my signature… and then SOMEONE snuck in and I didn’t have enough room for both of our names.

Well, MomFOD came up with a solution a few years ago. She jammed all of our names together until they made an interesting to say word. Now, when it was just Rocky, Niles, Dixie, and Peabody, they were known as “PIxieRoNi.” When they adopted me, they amended it to “CrePIxieRoNi.”Β  Now that Rocky’s gone, we had to drop the Ro, and adding the ever-present fosters Louie and Sprinkle to the mix made a challenge that MomFOD had never seen before.

After much consternation where she was staring at a notebook and shushing me off her lap, she came up with the epic name of all names that would allow her to fit all of us onto their Christmas card. And that name is….


It’s a little weird, I’m not going to lie. However, it sums us up nicely and fits on a card.

Give it a try! Write down all your pets names, underline the syllables that you want to use, and then mix and match to see what else you can get! Some of our discarded ideas were:




Splixie Crilebody



What’s your combined name?



PS. Since it’s Tuesday, I’ll toss in a haiku. Eh hem…

louie santa box
Oh. It’s Santa sitting in a box. How about that.

Christmas Eve comes close

Under the tree you’ll find me

Our tiny, small tree.




  • I started playing around with it when Jack told me I could just use smaller font.. I think he didn’t much like not being listed first.

  • Awesome idea! Ours would be “Clooney” because it’s all about me, anyway! Happy Holidays!

  • Oh Crepes, I’m sooo sorry about Rocky. I was offline a lot due to medical issues, so I missed that tragic event (as well as the addition of fosters to your home) so this is sad news to me. If I was writing on paper the ink would be tear-splotched. My deepest condolences to all of you for the loss of your beautiful tabby companion. πŸ™

    Kudos to you for your fosters! My spotted brown tabby tripod Tillie Tabs, and her blue bully sister Aoi Neko, won’t let me foster, though I suppose they have a good point five cats and a big dog are enough furry occupants for one small house.

    I applaud your MomFOD’s creativity combining all your names. My brain blew a circuit just considering the prospect! πŸ˜‰

    • Thank you. We miss him a lot. It happened in August, but we decided to open our home to other little needy ones to help us through it. We appreciate your kind words. Happy Holidays!

  • Crepes, You are fortunate Mom FOD is creative. At one time we had ten pets (plus the horses) so I got lazy. It became Mr. and Mrs. FOD Family and Pets. I just had a hard time remembering OUR names plus the pets and the kids names too.

  • That is very creative. Hmm we have 5 here~Charlie,Cashew,Garfield,Tubby,Hope so I guess I would get
    Chacasgartubhop. Ha,ha,ha. Mine is not as good as yours. Merry Christmas to you.
    Sue B

  • This is scary: SerArBeIgTeDew

    This might be worse…

    All the creatures come.
    Great and small and in-between.
    Not for Halloween.

    Here they gather ’round.
    The tree is mighty and tall.
    See how it will fall.

    Crash! Thud! Broken boughs!
    Christmas comes but once a year.
    Think I’ll have a beer.

    Seriously, Mom can’t drink due to a health condition. She told her cardiologist that she would kill for a glass of Asti Spumonte. Some days it just sucks to be her!

    We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday! May there be Peace on Earth.

    Serafina, Arya, Bean, Iggy, Teddy, and Dewey (aka Useless)

    • MomFOD doesn’t do too well with alcohol, either. She’s allergic to certain kinds and it makes her really sick. Thanks for the poems!! Your combined name is, um, original for sure. πŸ˜‰ – Crepes.

  • Well, there’s only 3 of us here, so fitting our names on a card isn’t as difficult. But if we combined our names we’d be Walernoey. How’s that?

  • Great idea! I better start now for next year’s card- with 15 names it could take a while πŸ™‚

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