Bachelors of the Week: Max Honcho and Jax Poncho!

You guys!
So, I’ve got these two guys here today who seem to have been hitting the bottle a little too hard lately. Barely able to stand up straight, these guys are …

Well, once again, MomFOD has forgotten to give me some important details. It seems these two are not, in fact, drunk. Rather, they have something called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Have you heard of this? Many people haven’t. It’s a problem that appears in animals whose cerebellums aren’t completely formed at birth, making it difficult for them to maintain balance or stand up appropriately.

Max and Jax as kittens. You can't tell, but there's a party going on.
Max and Jax as kittens. You can’t tell, but there’s a party going on.

Let’s meet Max Honcho and Jax Poncho. Unfortunately, their mother was vaccinated just a month prior to giving birth, which may have lead to the malformation of their cerebellums. Two of the kittens were born healthy out of the litter and these two have CH. Since they’ve always been this way, it doesn’t seem to distress them in any way. As they get older, like other CH cats, they’ll learn to use the walls and other furniture to help right themselves.

Jax and Max are about a year and a half old now and are looking for a good home. Now, I still think they’d be great to have at parties. They may end up with lamp shades on their heads, though it would be through no fault of their own.

If you’d like to meet these guys, contact Tree House immediately! You can even come into the lobby and see them doing their little dance all around the room. Bring music and, I swear to you, instant party.



Jax under a blanket. It's not a lampshade, but it's a start. Couch fort, anyone?
Jax under a blanket. It’s not a lampshade, but it’s a start. Couch fort, anyone?
Max looking at Jax doing the limbo.
Max looking at Jax doing the limbo.

PS!  Check out our newest video “Slow Motion CATastrophes,” starring Louie and Sprinkle and ME. MEMEME.


  • I just did a whole blog post on 3 CH kittens, 5 months old, Mom L visited amd took photos…really special. And Sophoe from Kitty Cat Vhronicles is CH and she has a great life! Thanks for sharing these special kitties Crepes

  • OMC, those are some terrific leaps and lunges. Mom Emily at Kitty Cat Chronicles has shown us all that CH kitties can lead normal lives. Hope somebody takes a chance on these two cuties. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  • Love the new vid Crepes but also love those two little guys looking for a home…..just plain CUTE to the MAXIMUM!!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  • de best oh fishes two ewe max & jax…we hope ya both finds yur for evers home & ya get ta stay two gether… ♥♥♥♥♥ R gal pal sophie frum kitty cat chronicles haz CH…and her iz lurnin ta bee a therapy cat !!! we noe…way kewl huh !! heerz hopin yur in yur for evers by thanx be giving !! ~~~

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