You guys!

I have a very touching story to tell you today!
World, meet Tanzy (Tanzanite for long), a tiny kitten who was found barely alive only hours after her birth, drowning in parasites, with puncture wounds near her little back. (You can read her complete story here.) With lots of love, patience, and a small tube, Tabby’s Place was able to keep her alive. In fact, she is now more than alive. She is thriving in their care!
Unfortunately, now that she’s up and about, it has become obvious that the puncture wounds have caused damage to her spine, making her a lifelong paraplegic. Tabby’s Place has hope, however! They will begin physical therapy and hopefully, one day, she’ll be fitted with her own pair of wheels. She has to get her driver’s license first, though, so she has a few weeks to go.
In any case, Tanzy is making her way towards the adoption floor slowly but surely. If Tanzy is someone you’d like to have join your home, you’d best keep an eye on her! In the meantime, if you’d like to sponsor this tiny survivor, you can do so here. You also have my permission to print out her photo and wear it around your neck like the precious gem that she is.
Go, Tanzy, go!

Is there and update on this baby?
Kitties like Tanzy are what make Tabby’s Place so fantastic! So glad we sponsor them!
Love you so much Tanzy… This precious little girl always puts a smile on my face.
We think Tanzy is amazing!
We hope she gets a great home…she deserves it!
Noodle and crew
tanzy….de best oh fishes N then sum mor two ewe …ya finds yur for evers home even bee fore ya get yur drivin license ♥♥♥♥♥
What an adorable girl! That’s what special needs cats are all about. Defying everyone’s expectations and making the best of every day.
She is absolutely the MOST adorable little survivor EVER! Oh I hope and pray and hope and pray AGAIN that she finds a most special home to give her the very best life ever. Bless her adorable heart…….
Hugs, Sammy
Tanzi is the perfect poster gal for special needs AND it is Petfinder’s Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet this week so paws crossed for her.
What a beautiful little kitty girl. Bless Tabby’s Place for doing their best to turn her life around–that place is Pawsome! Hope she can find her furever home. Tanzy is cuteness overload!
Rescuing kitties like Tanzy is one of the reasons I adore Tabby’s Place!
She is so bootyful. Meez just not unnewstand why hers kulda been left like dat. Meez suwe hopes she gets a pawsum home and soon.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi