Tabby’s Place: A New T(2)NR Mission

Those that have been reading my writings for awhile know that I’m a fan of Tabby’s Place. I’ve never been there, but the work they’re doing out in Ringoes, New Jersey resonates all the way across the internet to Chicago and beyond. It tickles my whiskers to be able to talk about them again because they’re doing something new and exciting! However, I’d like to turn this article over to MomFOD, since the topic is of a serious nature and, we all know, she’s far more serious than I. Hit it, MomFOD!

Feral "Maybelle," fixed up and ready for adoption!
Feral “Maybelle,” fixed up and ready for adoption!

MomFOD: Thank you, Crepes. Tabby’s Place is well-known for taking in sick, wounded, and dying cats, providing hospice care to those that are near finished with their journey, and providing long-term care to those who have no other place to go. Their population usually contains about 30% special needs cats and 70% normal, healthy kitties. Doing great work in the animal welfare arena since 2003, Tabby’s Place is now excited to announce that they’re expanding into the world of TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return.) For those who don’t know, TNR is a process of trapping stray cats, providing them with spay and neuter surgery, and returning them to their colonies to live out their lives, usually with help from a community member who oversees feeding and welfare. It’s an effort to reduce feral cat populations in the hopes of a euthanasia-free future.

The R part of TNR
The R part of TNR

Crepes: I’d just like to pop in here and mention that I was the product of a successful TNR project. Without TNR, I’d still be out there living with Uncle Dad and Aunt Mom in our terribly inbred and overpopulated colony outside of Chicago. I’d probably be my own grandmother by now. 

MomFOD: Thank you, Crepes, for that delightful image. Moving along, Tabby’s Place has something a little different planned for their project, which they’re calling “T2NR.”

Crepes: Terminator!

MomFOD: No, Crepes! Not, T2. T2NR, for Targeted Trap Neuter Return. When asked to clarify the difference between the T2NR program and traditional TNR methods that have been in use for the last decade or so, Angela Townsend explained:

“…the concerted focus on a particular geographic area is a key difference between TNR and T2NR. The other primary distinction is that, for T2NR, we have to be proactive. That is, we won’t be waiting for folks to call us up or bring in feral cats as they find them (like traditional spay/neuter clinics do); we’re explicitly going out to reach all the free-roaming cats in our target area ourselves. This is inevitably “messier,” as it will involve finding cats in places where they can’t safely remain (and then having to find them a new, safe outdoor colony); dealing with community members; etc.”

The T2NR program, according to Tabby’s Place’s web page, centers around these steps:

  • proactively locating free-roaming cat colonies,
  • altering and providing medical care for the cats,
  • forging collaborative relationships with the community,
  • safely relocating cats who cannot remain where they were trapped,
  • and arranging for ongoing care and monitoring for the colonies.
Rescued feral babies. Can I get a "squee?"
Rescued feral babies. Can I get a “squee?”

Tabby’s Place is now estimating that they have roughly 1,000 cats living in their first targeted area surrounding their sanctuary. Their very first goal is to expand their in-house hospital to a larger wing of their building. They want to reach and provide medical care for each and every one of those cats within the next three years.

Crepes: A lofty goal!

MomFOD: And yet attainable, nevertheless. If the new program works, Tabby’s Place will be one of the leaders in reducing the feral cat population, providing a model for all other rescues to follow. Should this succeed and spread to other states, the USA will make a huge leap towards a no-kill future.

Crepes: Hallelujah! 

Feral rescuing in progress.
Feral rescuing in progress on the target site.


MomFOD: Presently, Tabby’s Place is collecting funds to get this project underway. With a goal of $400,000, Tabby’s Place is nearly 60% of the way there. They’re offering various types of sponsorship levels, including some lovely commemorative plaques for $500.

Crepes: Thank you, MomFOD, for that excellent report. 

MomFOD: You’re welcome, Crepes. I really couldn’t have done it without you, mostly because you wouldn’t let me. If you’d like to help Tabby’s Place reach their goal, please contact Tabby’s Place’s Development Director Angela Townsend at at(@) or 908-237-5300 ext 235. For more information, visit Tabby’s Place on the internet.


"This program is great! Also, I'm hungry!" - feral kitten.
“This program is great! Also, I’m hungry!” – feral kitten.



  • Be sure you test those cats for ALL of the following diseases, or I hope the recipient of one of them that you adopt-out or someone coming in contact with your disease-infested cats sues you so bad that you never recover from it. (For example, not long ago businesses in Miami were ruined by caretakers of feral-cats spreading hookworm in all the beaches. Lawsuits aplenty!)

    These are just the diseases these invasive species vermin cats have been spreading to humans, not counting the ones they spread to all wildlife. THERE ARE NO VACCINES against many of these, and are in-fact listed as bio-terrorism agents. They include: Afipia felis, Anthrax, Bartonella (Rochalimaea) henselae, Bergeyella (Weeksella) zoohelcum, Campylobacter Infection, Cat Scratch Disease, Chlamydia psittaci (feline strain), Cowpox, Coxiella burnetti Infection (Q fever), Cryptosporidium Infection, Cutaneous larva migrans, Dermatophytosis, Dipylidium Infection (tapeworm), Hookworm Infection, Leptospira Infection, Giardia, Neisseria canis, Pasteurella multocida, Plague, Poxvirus, Rabies, Rickettsia felis, Ringworm, Salmonella Infection, Scabies, Sporothrix schenckii, Toxocara Infection, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis, Visceral larva migrans, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. [Centers for Disease Control, July 2010] Bovine Tuberculosis, Sarcosporidiosis, Flea-borne Typhus, Tularemia, and Rat-Bite Fever can now also be added to that list.

    Yes, “The Black Death” (the plague) is alive and well today and being spread by people’s CATS this time around. People have already died from cat-transmitted plague in the USA. For a fun read, one of hundreds of cases, Google for: Cat-Transmitted Fatal Pneumonic Plague

    Oh, by the way, you did know, didn’t you, that giving a rabies shot to a cat that already has rabies does not cure it of rabies? Google for: RABID KITTEN ADOPTED WAKE COUNTY (for just one example of hundreds of rabid cats adopted from outdoors). A vetted cat can STILL transmit rabies if it was harvested from unknown living conditions with an unknown vaccination history. May one of those cats you adopt-out have rabies too. Is your liability insurance in excess of $10M? Either quarantine them for 6 or more months at your OWN expense (as required by national and international law), or euthanize them. Those are your only 2 options to be relatively certain you are not handing rabies to someone. Isn’t reality fun?


    Rabies Outbreak Caused by TNR! 50+ Pets Euthanized. ALL Stray Cats Destroyed. All livestock destroyed. More than a dozen homeowners pay for their own $3000+ rabies shots.

    Google for: Rabies Outbreak in Westchester County

    Google for: Rabid Kitten Jamestown Exposure

    There’s hundreds more like those on the net showing everyone how these phenomenally ignorant and foolish cat-lickers “help” their communities by allowing TNR CAT-HOARDERS to continue their criminally negligent behavior. And contrary to these cat-lickers’ perpetual LIES, feeding stray cats TRAINS them to approach humans for food. What do you think happens to the child or foolish adult that reaches down to try to pet or pick up that now seemingly friendly “cute kitty” that just approached them? The wild animal lashes out and bites or scratches the hand that has no food for them. Resulting in $3000+ rabies shots for each victim, paid for out of their OWN pockets. Two reports even document rabid cats entering a pet-door and one even came through the family’s ceiling in search of human supplied foods, the attack so bad that the whole family required hospitalization.

    Then there’s cats’ most insidious disease of all, their Toxoplasma gondii parasite they spread through their excrement into all other animals. This is how humans get it in their dinner-meats, cats roaming around stockyards and farms (herbivores can contract this parasite in no other way). This is why cats are routinely destroyed around gestating livestock or important wildlife by shooting or drowning them. So those animals won’t suffer from the same things that can happen to the unborn fetus of any pregnant woman. (Miscarriages, still-births, hydrocephaly, and microcephaly.) It can make you blind or even kill you at any time during your life once you’ve been infected. It becomes a permanent lifetime parasite in your mind, killing you when your immune system becomes compromised by disease or chemo and immunosuppressive therapies. It can last over a year in any soils or waters and not even washing your hands or garden vegetables in bleach will destroy the oocysts. Contrary to cat-lickers’ self-deceptive myths, a cat can become reinfected many times during its life and spread millions of oocysts each time. It’s now linked to the cause of autism, schizophrenia, and brain cancers; as well as increasing the suicide rate in women almost 2-fold even though they’ve never suffered from any mental or emotional health issues previously. This parasite is also killing off rare and endangered marine-mammals along all coastlines from cats’ T. gondii oocysts in run-off from the land, the oocysts surviving even in saltwater.

    Its strange life cycle is meant to infect rodents. Any rodents infected with it lose their fear of cats and are attracted to cat urine.

    scitizen D0T com SLASH neuroscience/parasite-hijacks-the-mind-of-its-host_a-23-509 D0T html

    Cats attract rodents to your home with their whole slew of diseases (like The Plague from rats and fleas, many people have died from cat-transmitted Plague in the USA already, it is alive and well and being spread by cats today). If you want rodents in your home keep cats outside of it to attract diseased rodents to your area. I experienced this phenomenon (as have many others), and all rodent problems disappeared after I shot and buried every last one of hundreds of cats on my lands.

    Another interesting experiment. They wanted to find out if dogs could possibly transmit cat-shat Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. A dog infected with T. gondii from a source-cat cannot. That stage of the parasite’s life-cycle is 100% dependent on cat-physiology as its primary reproductive host. But if dogs ingest oocyst-laden cat-feces then dogs can pass the oocysts produced by cats & their common brain-hijacking parasite.

    ncbi.nlm.nih D0T gov SLASH pubmed/9477489?dopt=Abstract&holding=f1000,f1000m,isrctn

    It is interesting to note: That these Toxoplasma gondii oocysts shed by cats can even survive the hydrochloric stomach acids for the duration that they remain in a mammal’s digestive tract. And then they doubt my words when I tell them of the studies where they found that this parasite’s oocysts (seeds) can even survive washing your hands in bleach. You could wash your hands and garden vegetables in hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes for the same duration that food remains in an animal’s digestive tract and even that won’t destroy it. Your hands would be dissolved into a digestible pulp long before you could kill the Toxoplasma gondii oocysts.

    Yeah, “basic hygiene” is going to keep your kids safe from going blind sometime during their life, becoming autistic, or die if they ever require any immunosuppressive therapies during their lifetime if they had ever played in a sandbox that a neighbor’s cat has defecated in.

    Go ahead, drink the cat-lickers’ Kool-Aid.

  • Here’s how these delusional, self-serving, and uneducated TNR-advocates are destroying all life on the planet.


    FACT: Trap & Kill failed because cats cannot be trapped faster than they exponentially breed out of control.

    FACT: Trap, Neuter, & Re-Abandon (TNR) is an even bigger abject failure because these man-made ecological disasters cannot be trapped faster than they exponentially breed out of control, and they also continue to cruelly annihilate all native wildlife (from the smallest of prey up to the top predators that are starved to death), and the cats continue to spread many deadly diseases that they carry today — FOR WHICH THERE ARE NO VACCINES AGAINST THEM. Many of which are even listed as bioterrorism agents. (Such as Tularemia and The Plague — Yes, people have already died from cat-transmitted plague in the USA. No fleas nor rats even required. The cats themselves carry and transmit the plague all on their own.)

    FACT: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY _NOTHING_ HUMANE ABOUT TNR. Nearly every last TNR’ed cat dies an inhumane death by road-kill, from cat and animal attacks, environmental poisons, starvation, dehydration, freezing to death, infections, parasites, etc. And if very very lucky humanely shot to death or re-trapped and drowned (the two most common methods employed on all farms and ranches to protect their gestating livestock’s offspring and valuable native wildlife dying from cats’ Toxoplasmosis parasites). This doesn’t begin to count the thousands of defenseless native animals that cats skin alive and disembowel alive for their daily and hourly play-toys. And pitting cat against cat to fight-to-the-death for territory is ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT than those who run criminal dog-fight rings to see who is the winner. They spend YEARS in jail. The only difference in destroying cats immediately and humanely instead of trapping, sterilizing, then releasing them to an inhumane death; is that money isn’t going into an HSUS or SPCA board-member’s pocket, veterinarian’s pocket, cat-food company CEO’s pocket, or a drug-company CEO’s pocket. And that’s the ONLY difference!

    FACT: These manipulative, deceptive, and deceitful TNR proponents are now clipping cats ears ONLY. WITHOUT vaccinations nor sterilizing them. They do this to save money and protect their outdoor hoarded cat colonies from being trapped and euthanized by the state because the clipped-ear shows officials that they have been sterilized and vaccinated. Why pay $140 for each cat and all that time when just a trap and a simple snip of scissors on each one can also protect their hoarded cats from being destroyed? (I have absolute proof of this.)

    FACT: Cats are a man-made (through selective breeding) invasive species. And as such, are no less of a man-made environmental disaster than any other caused by man. Cats are even worse than an oil-spill of continent-sized proportions. They not only kill off rare and endangered marine-mammals along all coastlines from run-off carrying cats’ Toxoplasma gondii parasites, they destroy the complete food-chain in every ecosystem where cats are found. From smallest of prey gutted and skinned alive for cats’ tortured play-toys, up to the top predators that are starved to death from cats destroying their ONLY food sources. (Precisely what cats caused on my own lands not long ago.)

    FACT: Hunted To Extinction (or in this case, extirpation of all outdoor cats) is the ONLY method that is faster than a species like cats can exponentially out-breed and out-adapt to. Especially a man-made invasive species like these cats that can breed 2X-4X’s faster than any naturally occurring cat-species.

    FACT: In _FOURTEEN_YEARS_ Alley Cat ALL-LIES branch of NYC have only reduced feral cats in their own city by 0.08% to 0.024% (as the months go on that percentage becomes more insignificant), allowing more than 99.92% to 99.976% to exponentially breed out of control. Here’s how Alley-Cat-ALL-LIES’ deceptive math works: If you TNR 4 cats and 3 get flattened by cars this translates to 75% fewer feral-cats everywhere. Alley Cat ALL-LIES can’t even reduce cats in their own city, yet they promote it as a worldwide solution. Then even bigger fools fall for it and promote it.

    FACT: When researching over 100 of the most “successful” TNR programs worldwide, JUST ONE trapped more than 0.4%. Oregon’s 50,000 TNR’ed cats (the highest rate I found) is 4.9% of all ferals in their state. Yet, by applying population growth calculus on the unsterilized 95.1% they will have trapped only 0.35% of all cats in their state sometime this year. Less than 0.4% is a far cry from the required 75%-85% to be the least bit effective.

    FACT: Their mythical “vacuum effect” is a 100% LIE. A study done by the Texas A&M University proved that any perceived “vacuum” is just the simple case that CATS ATTRACT CATS. Get rid of them all and there’s no cats there to attract more. I proved this myself by shooting and burying hundreds of them on my own lands. ZERO cats replaced them FOR FOUR YEARS NOW. If you want more cats, keep even one of them around, more will find you. That university study also found that sterilized cats very poorly defend any territory. Non-sterilized cats, being more aggressive, take over the sterilized cats’ resources (shelter & food if any). If there is any kind of “vacuum effect” at all, it is that sterilizing cats cause non-sterilized cats to restore the reproductive void.

    FACT: During all this investigation I have discovered something that is unfaltering without fail. Something that you can bet your very life on and win every last time. That being — IF A TNR CAT-HOARDER IS TALKING THEN THEY ARE LYING. 100% guaranteed!

  • Not only are these demented invasive-species house-cat “animal lovers” now killing off all Big Cats in all wildlife reserves around the world.

    And they’ve already made their ONE AND ONLY native cat species EXTINCT in the UK (the inventors of that TNR insanity).

    “A report, produced by the Scottish Wildcat Association, reviewed 2,000 records of camera trap recordings, eyewitness reports and road kills, and concluded there may be only about 40 wildcats left in Scotland in the wild today. ‘However you juggle the figures, it is hard to find anything positive,’ says Steve Piper, the association’s chairman. ‘The overwhelming evidence is that the wildcat is going to be extinct within months.'” … “However, it is not the loss of habitat that is causing the current cat crisis in the Cairngorms. It is the spread of the domestic cat.” … “‘Essentially the Highland wildcat is being eradicated by an alien invasive species: the domestic cat.'” (report quoted from last year, they are no-doubt extinct by now)

    As well as killing off all their inland River Otters in England with their cats’ parasites.

    As well as cats’ parasites killing off all rare and endangered marine mammals on all coastlines around the world (worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined).

    But now these cat-licking “animal lovers” are also killing off all the Mountain Lions (Cougars, Puma, Endangered Florida Panther, etc.), and all other native cat species in the USA.

    Let’s thank these psychotic cat-lickers for all the fine work they do for being such fantastic “animal lovers”, shall we? THEY JUST LOVE CATS SO MUCH! So caring! So thoughtful! So FULL of love for living things!

    I’d love to thank them all, each with a gift of a solitary-confinement prison-cell — FOR LIFE. Better yet, for their VAST ecological crimes and sins against all of nature and all of humanity, hanged-until-dead would be a far more fitting “gift” for them AND the whole planet.

    Why hasn’t The National-Guard and United Nations and all police-forces on earth stepped-in with lethal means to stop them yet? As we all know now, educating them won’t stop them — trying to educate the Toxoplasma gondii brain-hijacked ineducable is a fools’ game. They’ve all proved that, beyond any doubt left in the universe, for decades now.

  • thiz bee an awesum program N we hope they meet ther goal N then sum….manee thanx tabby’s place N thanx mom fod ta crepes for thiz awesum ree port 🙂

  • what a wonderful project. our rescue does something similar – they pick an area to concentrate on their TNR and work their way through….and then move on.

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