Tuesday Haikusday: Laundry

Here are three haiku that I’ve written about laundry. Enjoy.

Me enjoying a load before it get washed
Me enjoying a load before it gets washed


Why do you wash it?

I enjoy the way it smells.

No, really. I do.


I hate that machine.

Why don’t you just lick it clean?

You’re wasting water.


Washed. Dried. Folded. Clean.

It’s the perfect location

for my next nap time.


How does laundry inspire you? Write me a haiku!

Love, Crepes.

PS I’m attempting the big move this weekend, so you may not see a Friday post. However, if you notice in the next week that you’re missing posts from me, please check in at the website. You may have to reenter your email address to receive more posts. Wish me luck in the great move!


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